Be The Match

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March 5, 2016 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
0-51 Meeting Room | SUB | University of Alberta
Students' Union Building
8900 114 St, Edmonton, AB T6G 2S4
Saeideh Davoodi

ISAUA Be the Match March 5, 2016

Be the Match

Have you ever thought what could you have done in just 10 minutes?
– Grab a coffee
– Check your Facebook
– Save one patient from Leukemia!

For thousands of patients with life-threatening diseases, such as leukemia and lymphoma, a marrow transplant from an unrelated donor is their best or only hope for a cure. These patients depend on the Be The Match Registry to find a match – and a second chance at life.

Unfortunately, Iranian community are among the fewest registered donors in the world’s largest listing of potential marrow donors.

Iranian Students’ Association of University of Alberta (ISAUA) in collaboration with Canadian Blood Services and One Match Stem Cell and Marrow Network is holding an awareness event onSaturday, March 5th, 2016 from 10:00 am to 14:00 pm at 0-51 meeting room, SUB, University of Alberta. We will be registering potential donors to join the network with simple 10 minute cheek swab.

*This event is open to the public.

Who is eligible?
– If you are between 17 and 35 years old

Who is not eligible?
– People with some heart conditions, cancer, blood diseases, insulin-dependent diabetes, and infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS or hepatitis B and C.

We are also in need for some volunteers at the day of event.
Please contact Saeideh Davoodi (event coordinator; for more information on how to get involved as a volunteer.

And last but not least, please spread the word by inviting your friends or sharing this event.

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